Effective Interviewing



Interviewing costs time and money. But if not done well, it will incur even higher costs for not placing the right candidate. Especially small companies often suffer high staff turnover due to lack of a thorough interview process by trained personnel and/or ad-hoc recruitment decisions.   Interviewers tend not to be prepared and fail  to ask questions which help collecting evidence to determine whether a candidate can successfully perform the job. This can result in falsely managed expectations and high costs for the business.

This knowledge pill will enable participants to learn how to gather evidence with effective interviewing questions.

Who is it for?

The course is directed at executives, line managers and HR professionals involved in interviewing new hires.

Duration & format

This is a 2,5 hour face to face  course designed for max. 20 participants where attendees will leave with specific key takeaways that can be implemented immediately.


Understand the importance of preparing for the interview.

Learn about different interview methods.

Learn different questioning techniques.

Learn probing skills and the importance of positive indicators.


2,5 hour training @450,00€ + VAT for max. 20 attendees